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    International Food Festival


    10 Dec, 2016

    10 : 00

    • This year’s International Food Festival was an incredible display of the various nationalities that make up the community at YCIS Chongqing! With over 17 different countries represented in a variety of cuisines, the students, staff and parents enjoyed an incredible food experience.

      The event was held in the Great Hall which allowed for a better flow around the food tables, and also provided the opportunity for parents serving to see the joy on student and staff faces as they sampled the different foods.

      Initial feedback from staff and students has been resoundingly positive with comments such as “why can’t we do this every month?” and “the parents up the ante on the food quality every year” also “this was beyond my expectations”.

      A highlight for students and staff, the International Food Festival would not be possible without the support of parents who take the time to cook and serve their home country foods to our children. A huge thank you to all who contributed! We would also like to make a special thanks to our non Parent volunteers, the day would not have been the overall success it was without your support.

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