YCIS schools fully recognise their responsibilities regarding child protection, and the welfare of all students is of paramount importance to the YCYW community. We aim to create a safe, secure and supportive learning environment for our students. We believe that all students have a right to be protected from neglect as well as physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
YCIS school are committed to providing education and support to students, parents and teachers in all aspects of safeguarding.
YCIS schools have in place Child Protection Policy and Procedures, outlining the principles, processes and procedures for dealing with potential child neglect and abuse. The school expects all employees, partners, parents and volunteers to be committed to and support the Child Protection Policies and Procedures of the school.
Visitors to YCIS campuses should be aware of the Child Protection Notice for Visitors.
Community Partners who work with our students at YCIS schools are expected to sign and adhere to the Adult Code of Conduct for Working With Students.
We invite community members to read the school's Anti-Bullying Policy and Procedures.
All of these measures are in place to safeguard our students.