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    An Afternoon in Ancient Egypt


    08 Dec, 2016

    10 : 00

    • One of the best practices of being an educator is the practice of reflection, and upon reflection, we realized that we wanted our students to celebrate what they learned from the overarching curriculum theme--‘Myths and Legends.’

      This time, our students from Year 3 ND showcased their talents and potential and the idea was born of converting the Great Hall into an Egyptian museum.

      Students learned about Egyptian myths and they made the decision to write, draw, construct or create an artifact that held their particular interest. Children wrote about gods and goddesses, the life of Tutankhamen, compared life along the Nile River to life in the desert, they wrote their names using Egyptian hieroglyphics and cut out weapons. Excitement soared when teacher suggested approaching the senior classes to help primary build a shaduf and construct a tent.

      The children stepped up to the challenge of converting the huge Great Hall into an Egyptian Museum. What was exciting for our teachers was bringing ancient Egypt into the classroom not just as words and videos, but the creation of all the artifacts that they read about.

      Students were happy and engaged in the process of learning and making mummies and painting Egyptian tombs. From a literacy perspective, they talked and learned from each other as children became quite knowledgeable about a particular god or goddess. This supported their language development and abilities in performing an oral presentation.

      It was always a joy to see the positive response from all who came to this event. There was also a great turnout from parents, staff and friends in the greater community.

      Egypt was a fascinating subject to learn and even more fascinating to bring it to life during … An Afternoon in Ancient Egypt !

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