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    Historic IGCSE Students


    17 Aug, 2021

    10 : 00

    • Last year saw some wonderful IGCSE results, but this year our students have achieved even more! Congratulations to our Year 11 students on achieving some the best results YCIS Chongqing has seen in its history. These results put us amongst some of the best International schools in the world, especially when you consider the inclusive nature of our school and the fact our students sat examinations unlike many other countries.

      Not only did our students achieved a 100% pass rate, but 42.4% of the grades obtained were A* and 71.2% of all grades were either A* or A, this is truly a remarkable achievement.

      Accepting students from a wide range of abilities and academic backgrounds does not limit the students potential and this can be seen when over 95% of the students achieve grades no lower than a ‘C’.

      These results will provide the students with a very strong foundation for their IB studies and beyond. We can’t wait to see them continue to learn and grow over the next two years.

      Their outstanding performance is a true testament to our learning culture, talented teachers, supportive parents and dedicated students.

      The whole YCIS Chongqing community are extremely proud of our students and these results, congratulations!

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