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    Let's Go for it


    25 Aug, 2021

    10 : 00

    • A bright and sunny day welcomed the YCIS Chongqing students for their first day of the new academic year. As the children walked through the school gates, new and familiar faces were greeted by our teachers and leaders. As the children said their goodbyes, it was easy to tell who were the most anxious… the parents, but there was no need to worry as the students settled into their new routines quickly and easily.

      During the morning, the Co-Principals visited each class, welcoming the students to school and their new learning community. They discussed the importance of caring for their classrooms while also being reminded of the importance of good manners and the right attitude for learning and life. Before the Co-Principals left each room, they shared the ‘Charter for Success’. This charter represents the school, the students and parents working together to provide the best possible environment for each child to succeed. We also shared the exciting news that this year marks the 20th anniversary of YCIS Chongqing, more news to follow soon!

      Our ‘theme’ for this year is ‘Together we make a difference’. The Charter for Success is just one of many ways we can make a difference for our students and the whole school community. Throughout the year there will be numerous opportunities for us all to engage in, this will support us in providing a learning community that develops the students into well rounded, globally minded, and successful individuals and build a community that is caring, open minded and respectful.

      As the rest of the first week progressed, so did the range of learning opportunities, from water play to walking around the campus with ‘listening ears’ in ECE, to making self-portraits on paper also via technology and building a compass in Primary. In Secondary, our Year 10 and 12 students gained an insight into what lies ahead with their new examination courses, lots of effort, but great rewards in return. Our EAL team got to know some of our new students so they can provide effective support while also continuing their guidance for existing students.

      If you get the opportunity to, please stop by and say hello. Together, We know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all of our students and we look forward to getting you onto campus as soon as the restrictions end.

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