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    Exploring Chongqing


    22 Jul, 2021

    10 : 00

    • As part of YCIS Chongqing’s commitment to providing a holistic education, this summer, we offered a variety of ‘camps’ to our students, but why do we think these experiences are important in the development of the whole child?

      Today's children spend more than 7.5 hours a day engaged with technology, attending these types of camps provides a break from technology and allows children to communicate face to face.

      Our camps were specifically chosen to provide our students with the opportunity to try new activities. When children succeed at these activities, they build self-esteem. Children also build social skills and problem- solving skills by being part of a supportive community and partaking in activities together.

      When children attend a ‘camp’, they are given the opportunity to grow more independent. Whether it be a day or a week, separation from one's parents means a camper has to learn to rely on themselves and other trusted adults and peers. Separation from parents gives a child the ability to think independently, which builds self-esteem.

      Throughout the first 2 weeks of the summer break, our students had opportunities to kayak, learn first aid, sail, role play, ski, complete physical challenges and solve problems. Although often tired when they returned it was great to see their enjoyment and feel a sense of accomplishment from looking at the various photographs and videos.

      No matter if it was one of our day trip camps or a 5-day camp, our students were able to experience the various wonders that are available in the vast city that is Chongqing.

      These experiences will have prepared our students for the camps that we hope to take place next academic year when all of our students from Y5 to Y12 get to experience a camp or service-learning activities.

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