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    2019 International Food Fair


    29 Nov, 2019

    10 : 00

    • The International Food Fair is no doubt one of the most popular events of the year! On November 29, the students, teachers, parents and friends were treated an array of international cuisine at this year’s International Food Fair!

      Our wonderful parent community cooked food from their home countries for the school community to enjoy. Everyone could be seen sampling the many multicultural dishes. Smiles, laughter and of course the word “yum” could be heard everywhere, in several different languages.

      Special emphasis was given to encourage children to try new food from countries other than their own. Linking in with language week, the food festival also gave the children a great opportunity to try using all the different languages and learn some fun food facts about each country and their cuisine.

      A huge thank to all who contributed! Thank you to parents for all your hard work to prepare the gym but mainly the superb dishes that were served! And thank you to all the people behind the scenes from purchasing plates and napkins to laying down the flooring. Well done YCIS Chongqing!

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