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    The Power of Language


    05 Dec, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Every year, the secondary language teachers run a ‘Language Week’ which accumulates in a whole-school ‘Language Week Exhibition’. This exhibition showcases student-led interactive activities, displays, and performances, all of which are designed to celebrate language within our school.

      This year, Language Week ran from Monday, 25th November to Friday, 29th November and our theme was: ‘The Power of Language’.

      This year, the whole week was packed with an array of successful activities and competitions. Our introductory ‘Language Week’ assembly featured Year 1 exploring their power over Year 13 as they acted out the Year 1 retelling of ‘The Three Little Pigs’; in primary, the public speaking competition and the primary spelling bee encouraged our younger students to take a risk with language in front of their peers. In secondary, students engaged in a range of form activities which were designed to make students ask difficult questions about language and its power over them.

      Primary and secondary collaborated during the exhibition on Friday, showcasing both performances, display boards of student work, and student-led activities. Our cultural Korean, English and Chinese tea rooms were bustling with parents and primary students, sampling the bubble tea, scones and Korean pancakes available to them. Friday ended with a medley of student performances. Year 7’s ‘Diet Tea’ advert explored an advertisement’s persuasive power over its audience, while Year 8’s Sport’s Commentary and the Year 5 Chinese Rap demonstrated how language can influence our mood.

      Our final assessment of Language Week? A great success!

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