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    Year End Message from Co-principals


    27 Jun, 2019

    10 : 00

    • It is incredible to think that another academic year has concluded, in what has seemed like the blink of an eye, as we wish our entire school community an exciting and relaxing summer break.

      These final weeks of 2018-2019 have certainly provided some wonderful moments of celebrations as students in K4, Year 6 and Year 13 have all graduated as the ‘Class of 2019’. These ceremonies remind us all of the enormous impact our learning programmes have on the development of all our students, from K3 all the way to Year 13. Our parents, teachers and students have revelled in this celebration of achievement and we wish our graduating Year 13 students all the best of luck as they venture beyond the safety of YCIS Chongqing and embrace new life pursuits.

      On Friday June 21, we also conducted our annual Primary and Secondary Awards Ceremony, which was attended by many parents and family friends. These two events are a real highlight of the academic calendar, as we congratulate our students on their achievement of excellence in their Approach to Learning, Subjects and Global Citizenship Learner Profile awards. We also extend a huge congratulations to all our students as every single child has displayed outstanding development in programmes that continue to develop, adding new experiences for our students.

      We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our teaching and non-academic team for their tireless and dedicated efforts in developing a quality learning programme.

      Special thanks to School Leaders for your guidance and direction in optimising learning opportunities this year.

      We also extend a huge thank you to all our parents for your ongoing support. There is no doubt that a strong relationship between the school and home enhances the learning for your children.

      Finally, we wish everyone a superb summer holiday, wish our departing students a wonderful new adventure and look forward to welcoming all our returning students in August.

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