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    Year 6 Graduation to Secondary


    27 Jun, 2019

    10 : 00

    • This academic year has drawn to a close and both Year 13s and ECE students have celebrated their transitions to new stages of their education. Year 6 students have also recently commemorated their shift to Secondary School.

      On Thursday 20th June, Year 6 students and staff went to the Hyatt hotel in Chongqing Paradise Walk to enjoy a celebratory graduation lunch, where good food satisfied everyone! The formal graduation ceremony started on the following morning in the school’s Great Hall.

      It was a smooth blend of drinks and snacks; singing and dancing; speeches; and the presentation of awards. The speeches from the Primary Student Leadership Team and teachers focused on the all the shared experiences from this year and the growth that has taken place. The surprise balloon drop at the end made for the perfect group picture.

      The Year 6 class of 2019 have been a cohesive group and will be missed by the Primary Department. We wish them the best of luck in Secondary School.

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