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    Voice Me Out


    03 May, 2022

    10 : 00

    • Before the Easter holiday, YCIS Chongqing Secondary Chinese Department held the first "Voice Me Out" event, with the final competition was taking place in school auditorium.

      This activity aimed to provide a variety of opportunities for students to learn Chinese and Chinese culture in different ways and to feel the charm of Chinese. “Voice Me Out “is a great platform to demonstrate our students Chinese language skill as well as their unique talents.

      There were 2 parts to this event: an iChinesereader Reading Contest and performance. In the performance, students were given opportunities to either make a speech, perform stand up comedy, perform a voice over from a movie or a drama sketch.

      Students had prepared a variety of performances and after several rounds of competition, the finalists appeared on stage. The audience was amazed by the creativity of our Secondary performers, with much laughter and applause echoing throughout the auditorium!

      An impressive recitation from Year 7 Sophie moved everyone’s heart.

      The "Childhood" performance by William, Edison and Jason from Year 9 brought a great number of laughs.

      Our Year 8's Sean, Ryan, Jeff and Jerry's skit "Internet Medical Check" was hilarious but thoughtful.

      Cindy, Eunseo and Hayeon from Year 10 performed "Zootopia" with their beautiful voices…

      The show truly impressed all that attended, and we were so proud of our students’ language learning ability and talents in performing! Congratulations to our secondary students and we look forward to the next show!

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