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    Sharing our Learning


    03 May, 2022

    10 : 00

    • The week before the Easter break, we displayed the children’s learning from Art lessons and their author studies from Book Week.

      We believe that it is important to celebrate the learning process that takes place at YCIS Chongqing not just the result. The children also had the opportunity to view the learning and even vote on their favourite art piece from each Learning Community.

      The children in Year 1 – Year 6 worked hard to produce a variety of exciting art pieces, from individual artwork to working in small groups to produce sculptures. Throughout the process they learnt about the artist and different skills to build up to producing their final product.

      During the month of March, we celebrated our love for books. We began the month with World Book Day.

      During Book Week, we had online visits from a variety of authors. Each year group selected an author and through their English and Integrated Studies lessons researched and learnt about the author. Each year group then displayed their findings with example pieces of writing in the style of their chosen author.

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