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    Spreading Love and Kindness


    06 May, 2024

    16 : 32

    • Last week, our Parent Organisation leaders visited Qi En Children’s Care Service Centre at one of their “Little Homes” to present our charity run proceeds of 22,026RMB to Ms. Dou Dou, Head of the Centre. At the meeting, our PO leaders shared photos and videos from the charity run with the Qi En team. Ms. Dou Dou and her colleagues were touched by the strong display of kindness, and they expressed sincere thanks to the YCISCQ community.


      “Little Homes” is a project by Qi En to provide temporary accommodation to family members of patients, who do not have suitable housing in Chongqing city. Some patients and their families came here from faraway places to seek medical treatment, largely draining their finances. At “Little Homes”, they can have a roof over their heads for a nominal sum. During the visit by our PO leaders, we saw the Qi En team busy preparing “meals of love” to deliver to the children’s hospital. Ms. Dou Dou explained that the charity run proceeds will be used to fund the operations at “Little Homes”. This includes apartment rental, purchase of food and necessities, utilities, etc.


      All this would not have been possible without the support from the YCIS Chongqing community. Our PO hopes this will be the start of a continued effort to help the less fortunate in our community, pursuing our school’s mission to align with love and charity.

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