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    Noteworthy Young Musicians Competition


    31 Mar, 2023

    13 : 44

    • The 2023 YCYW Young Musicians Music Competition encouraged students to learn from each other and promote music in our schools.


      The competition led to some wonderful results. YCIS Chonqqing was ably represented with 20 participants. Special congratulations are in order for  Brigitta Liang, Joyce Wu, and Cherry Pan - each earned a Gold rating for their performance. This means that they received a score of 90 or above! 


      Our school was also awarded six Silver ratings and nine Bronze ratings. Participants were each given constructive feedback for their performances by professional judges that will help them continue to develop musically.


      It’s also worth noting that as well as their Gold ratings, Cherry Pan ranked 1st in her category across the foundation for her vocal skills, while Brigitta Liang tied third for her violin performance. Amazing!


      A heartfelt congratulations to all our risk takers putting themselves out there and taking this chance to challenge themselves musically!

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