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    Festive Delights: Joy and Wonder at Our School


    19 Dec, 2024

    16 : 03

    • Excitement fills the air in our school as we embrace the festive spirit in anticipation of the upcoming Christmas break. Delving into the final week before the holiday season, the corridors echo with laughter and joy, and our campus is adorned with glittering decorations that reflect the warmth of the season. Let’s take a look at what is happening in our school community.


      The whole ECE, along with parents, embarked on a thrilling trip to the Green Planet, a place where students' passions burst into vibrant life! Here, they encountered an array of astounding animals, from slithering snakes to majestic cobras and graceful sea turtles. Children gained a lot from the hands-on, experiential learning activities, and everyone enjoyed the journey.


      Last week, our Year 6 students hosted a charity event “Bring One – Buy One’” and raised more than 5000 RMB. Armed with this bounty, our wonderful students procured a treasure trove of books and visited Qicong School, for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. They mingled, played, and forged connections, illuminating the importance of communication and service in our community.


      Moreover, our Year 3-7 students and teachers were treated to a dazzling cultural performance by the Myanmar consulate. They were captivated by the traditional Myanmar dances, the majestic Elephant Dance, and charming puppet shows, leaving everyone spellbound. This opportunity allowed everyone to gain a deeper understanding of Myanmar’s culture and customs.


      The Primary assembly on Tuesday unfolded with a symphony of learning and music, as our young talents dazzled the school and parents with captivating performances. Year 4 students impressed the audience with a drama titled "The Emperor's New Clothes," their stellar acts garnered plenty of applause and cheers from the audience.


      On Wednesday, our wonderful Parent Organization (PO) members appeared as jolly Santas, bringing joy with gifts that sparked holiday excitement throughout the campus. After school, like magic, they transformed into wizards, creating bubble snow that mesmerized everyone, turning the schoolyard into a magical winter wonderland filled with laughter and happiness.


      To add to the festive vibe, our dedicated cafeteria team prepared a Christmas Buffet during lunchtime. The diverse menu included roasted turkey, sausages, spaghetti, Italian meatballs, desserts, and fruits, satisfying everyone's taste buds.


      As the festive season draws near, our school week comes to a heartwarming close. In this most cherished time of year, may every student, teacher, and parent enjoy a Christmas filled with laughter and love. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year brimming with happiness!


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