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    A Sci-Fi Epic Shines


    17 May, 2024

    10 : 01

    • On the afternoon of May 8th, an unforgettable event was hosted by the "Seeds of Hope Fund" project "Chinese Reading and Writing Society" at YCIS Chongqing. We had the honor of inviting the famous science fiction writer, Deputy Professor of the Literature Department at Chongqing University, and Doctor of Physics, Mr. Liu Yang, to deliver the first offline lecture of the year for the Yew Chung Chongqing community—A Casual Talk on Sci-Fi Creation.


      Before the lecture commenced, Chinese Co-Principal Ms Jessie Xiao delivered an opening speech, warmly welcoming Professor Liu Yang and expressing heartfelt thanks for his presence. Ms Xiao also conveyed a fervent hope that the students would benefit from listening to the insights of a sci-fi master and acknowledged the meticulous planning and arrangement by the students and mentors of the Chinese Reading and Writing Society for the event.


      During the lecture, Professor Liu Yang, with his profound academic foundation and vivid speaking style, explained in a simple yet deep manner how to create various settings in science fiction novels for CLL students from Year 5-10 as well as Year 12. The students were led into the marvelous world of science fiction by Professor Liu's explanations, learning about the methods and techniques of sci-fi writing, and wandering through the interdisciplinary ocean of knowledge that bridges science and literature, reaping abundant rewards. At the end of the lecture, students had the privilege of an early glimpse at the trailer for the sci-fi movie epic "The Martian Orphan," adapted from a novel represented by Professor Liu Yang, which brought the lecture to a climax. Many parents also attended the lecture, sharing the charm of science fiction writing with the students.


      In the interactive Q&A session following the lecture, Professor Liu Yang suggested that being a "science fiction writer" is not an unattainable concept; everyone can become a science fiction writer. He advised starting simple, drawing from life, and writing about the little things. Only when the logic in writing is tight and seamless can an article become an excellent piece.


      After the lecture, the amiable Professor Liu engaged in warm and friendly interactions with many students and parents, bringing the successful event to a perfect close.


      It is worth mentioning that, to cater to students with different language backgrounds, the Chinese Reading and Writing Club ingeniously arranged a series of rich and exciting cultural experience activities for students who are second-language Chinese learners and non-native Chinese speakers.


      The successful hosting of Professor Liu Yang's lecture not only showcased our school's commitment to a diversified education philosophy but also provided students with an interactive learning platform, sparking their interest in Chinese writing and science fiction literature.


      By Year 10 students Bianca Dai , Jeff Ang, Ryan Gong