30 Apr, 2018
10 : 00
So far this semester, our Year 1 students have been focusing on creative writing. The children have been working hard to increase their vocabulary and use a range of adjectives in their work.
In Year 1 classrooms, we have been reading and writing stories about families. The children enjoyed reading a range of stories and discussing what happened in them with their friends. Many of the families were different to our own, so we compared our families to those in the stories. The children enjoyed discovering the likes and dislikes of the characters from clues in the pictures.
Everyone in Year 1 worked hard to write their own imaginative stories about members of their family. Many children were enthusiastic in using new words and creating exciting sentences. They also used their work in phonics to help us read our stories and share them with others.
Now that Year One have learnt many new skills in creative writing, we will be moving onto writing postcards and letters.