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    Leaving a Legacy of Kindness


    27 Apr, 2018

    10 : 00

    • As part of this year’s Anti-Bully activities, YCIS Chongqing held a Choose Kind week across the school. During this week, students and members of the community engaged in activities and discussions focused on living a kind life.

      As a year group, Year 8 took on the challenge of decorating the school and creating signs and posters to be displayed around the school, to remind all members of our school community to Choose Kind.

      “We wanted to make signs that were pretty enough to be displayed, and shared the message to be kind and choose to do kind things for other kids” shared one member of the class.

      “I like that we made the posters out of re-used materials and the signs we took down after Chinese New Year – that show our kindness to the earth.” Added another.

      6 of the Year 8 posters have now become part of the permanent decorative landscape at YCIS Chongqing. A legacy of kindness passed on from student to student and to students and members of the community in years to come.

      “It would be cool too, if these posters were still here when my little sister reaches Year 8, maybe Year 8 could share their ideas every year and create a collection of good messages that the school can display.” Added one of the class leaders.

      Compliments have been received from teachers and members of administration as well as parents. Kudos to the Year 8 Form Teachers: Ms. Huang, Ms. Weir, Ms. Zhang and Mr. Vukovich. Special thanks to GM of Operations, Ms. Chen, for her support for the ideas and ensuing display. The biggest congratulations of all to the Year 8 students, for creating a legacy of kindness behind.

      These happy messages say a lot more than words – they show the world what kind of people we want our students to become, and help define the atmosphere of care and respect we strive to create and maintain in our school.

      These happy messages say a lot more than words – they show the world what kind of people we want our students to become, and help define the atmosphere of care and respect we strive to create and maintain in our school.