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    English as an Additional Language in the Classroom


    21 Mar, 2018

    10 : 00

    • During this academic school year, the EAL department was asked to join the Year 2 learning community in an attempt to provide more unique learning environment for literacy students. Although the EAL department has always been involved in the classroom, this experience has increased EAL involvement in planning. Each Friday, the team sits down to discuss what next week’s literacy lessons will look like, and how best practices in learning community approaches can be woven into our teaching.

      During these lessons, classroom teachers introduce the curricular unit, or, if the unit is underway, what aspects of the literacy curriculum need to be addressed. EAL teachers are then able to consider the unit from a language perspective, using their experiences to help address student’s language learning needs. Because there are five teachers in the classroom, students are divided into five different groups. In smaller groups, students have more chance to participate with everyone’s voice heard. Also, teachers are able to provide closer one-on-one feedback to more students. The result is a lesson which addresses YCIS Literacy outcomes while also providing students with language content at the student’s language level.

      This system also allows each teacher to report back to the teaching group about their group’s progress. Although all students work towards the same literacy outcomes, how the lessons are presented to them is unique with emphasis put on students immediate needs.

      We are proud to see Year 2 learning community students increase their engagement in learning as their specific language needs are satisfied.