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    Youth Global Leader


    21 Nov, 2017

    10 : 00

    • The Youth Global Leaders (YGLS) in partnership with Young Leaders.World (YL.W) presented its annual Youth Leadership Summit in Shanghai last weekend where many schools from all over China participated.

      The summit took place on Saturday in Pudong at Concordia International School of Shanghai. Five upper secondary students from YCIS Chongqing attended and were thoroughly impressed with the quality of this conference. Young Leaders.World collaborates with young people around the world to help them discover life leadership. The conference provided keynote speakers who shared stories about their inspirational journeys; exploratory workshops with speakers and an exercise helping guide students towards a clear vision for their lives.

      All in all, it was a successful event and every person, walked away with a better sense of purpose in life and increased motivation for their future. This is an event that YCIS Chongqing will likely take part in next year and all secondary students would benefit from attending, so watch this space!