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    Parent Information Session


    07 Sep, 2017

    10 : 00

    • Successful learning relies on partnership between school and home. Effective, ongoing communication between teachers and parents is vital.

      At YCIS, We encourage parents to take advantage of the many varied opportunities provided during the year such as parent meetings, workshops, and information sessions that help parents to understand the educational philosophy and approaches to teaching and learning here at YCIS Chongqing.

      This week, from Monday to Thursday, we held a series of Parent Information Sessions for ECE, Primary and Secondary, during which parents had the opportunity to learn more about the curriculum and expectations involved in their child’s Year Level.

      Andrew Grove once said “How well we communicate is determined not by how well we say things but how well we are understood.” We are delighted to have hundreds of parents join us and we appreciate their continued support and trust!We look forward to a great school year ahead!

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