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    Secondary Outdoor Cross-Curricular Education Program- Yangshuo Trip


    29 Oct, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Included in our goal of providing holistic and meaningful education to our students and as an integral part of learning and character development here at YCIS Chongqing, in Oct, our Lower Secondary Program provided our students the opportunity to travel to Yangshuo in the southern province of Guangxi.

      Years 7-9 students enjoyed rock climbing, abseiling, zip-lining, archery, caving, roman cannons, fruit archery, cooperative games, and an all camp water balloon fight.

      However, night was the hardest when students were settled in at camp! Bugs, mud, and new sounds were surrounding them. Came with unknown feelings, but at the same time, offered the perfect environment for personal growth.

      This trip also encompassed many curricular links across subject areas such as: English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, and Chinese Cultural Studies. In addition, this program helped our international youth become better global citizens through challenge by choice activities, adventure-based learning, outdoor environmental education, and exposure to local cultures and cuisine.

      We believed that after the trip, students are left to reflect on the experience. Where there were once thoughts of “I can’t”, are now thoughts of “I did”.

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