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    Year 6 Explores the Old and the New in Xi'an


    04 May, 2017

    10 : 00

    • Over April 18 to 21, Year 6 students had the opportunity to Xi’an to study the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilisation. As the eastern terminal of the Silk Road, it complemented Year 6’s topic work based on Zhang Qian. Students used the city as a living history book to continue their Chinese Studies about the 3,000 years of its amazing heritage.

      This year, students were able to marvel at numerous recommended historical sites and cultural relics in the city. They included Daming Palace National Heritage Park where students tried archaeological digging, Banpo Museum and the Terracotta Army of the Qin Dynasty.

      Students also enjoyed a shadow play in the Muslim Quarter, biked around the city wall, visited the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and watched a Chinese Dance show and outdoor light spectacle in Tang Paradise.

      As expected, the highlight for the students was Huashan, particularly as most students managed to climb to the top which is a staggering 2154.9 metres high. It was gratifying to observe students developing their independence and social skills in this wonderful outdoor classroom.

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