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    One Kind Word


    19 Nov, 2021

    10 : 00

    • Monday marked the beginning of our Anti-Bullying Week: 'One Kind Word'. The week raises awareness toward bullying, as a school, we aim to guide and support our students so they feel empowered to understand what bullyig is and why it is important to inform adults if bullying takes place in their own lives.

      Students across the school gathered together to participate in various activities throughout the week. On Monday, students relished the opportunity to wear brightly coloured, odd socks to school to demonstrate that everyone’s individuality and unique personal expression should be celebrated.

      Students in Primary participated in an anti-bullying assembly on Monday morning in the new auditorium. We were very pleased to see our Primary Student Council membes showing their support by praising and saying positive words to others during their daily life's. They also engaged in a variety of cross-curricular activities throughout the week, from reading poems and stories about bullying to designing t-shirts to highlight why bullying is not accepted at YCIS Chongqing. Students also created posters to spread kindness and design an anti-bullying superhero.

      Secondary students discussed and expressed their own ideas regards what kindness is. They were inspired to show kindness towards different people. On Thursday morning, members of the Student Support Group visited each Form Class and led a WORDLE activity to improve everyone’s understanding of kindness and promote a sense of togetherness. In addition, they also engaged in various activities during their weekly 'Extended Form' in order to develop this theme further, including the use of a Kindness Wheel. Students also highlighted top tips to deal with Bullying, discussed bullying cases, participated in anti-bullying mindfulness sessions and completed the 'one kind word' jigsaw puzzle. Special recognition was given to those teachers and students who made a significant impact during the week.

      We call on everyone to help us spread kindness, not just this week but every week. It starts with one kind word and it starts today!

      Choose one kind word, what would you say?

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