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    Celebrate the Children!


    04 Jun, 2021

    10 : 00

    • In 1925, International Children's Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare. It’s a day celebrating the joys of playfulness and childhood, encouraging the recognition of children’s rights, along with their health and happiness.

      China puts children at the center of its world on Children’s Day. Our ECE and Primary students were delighted to see a wonderful ‘Lion Dance’ performance from the students of Chengkou County Double River Primary School, our children were amazed by the coordination and gymnastic skills on display.

      Our Parent Organisation arranged to provide gifts for all students in ECE and Primary and we would like to thank them for their organisation and their appreciation of our students. Gifts and Festivities aside, this holiday is about giving children the gift of a parent’s time. Wherever in the world you are, you can celebrate Children’s Day simply by giving your child your undivided attention.

      Here at YCIS, no matter whether it is Children’s Day or not, we value every child and provide opportunities for them to grow so they can reach their full potential. Happy Children’s Day to all children within our community from all of us at YCIS Chongqing!

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