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    Campus Shines in Readiness for Student Return


    03 Apr, 2020

    10 : 00

    • The YCIS Chongqing community is now approaching the completion of nine weeks of e-learning and we remain indebted to our students and parents for their ongoing support. Our teachers and school leaders continue to adapt and develop the programme according to the evolving needs of our families.

      We haven’t yet received a school re-opening date but the viral situation in Mainland China continues to improve each day. A number of Chinese provinces have also lowered their health emergency response levels to Level 3, including Chongqing, which means that school resumption looks increasingly likely in the weeks ahead.

      In preparation for re-opening, during the past two weeks, the YCIS Chongqing campus has undergone a thorough deep cleaning process, following the guidelines set by the local authorities, as a component of getting the school ready.

      A special team was established to work on all related tasks to ensure the school will be open safely as well as the following jobs be covered after school re-opens. This special team includes the School Principals, School Operation General Manager, Administration Department Head, Team Leader of Ayis, Guards, and School Maintenance, who have all been liaising closely to:

      1. Promote a series of kind reminders to the community to raise everyone awareness of safety and self-protection
      2. Staff training to reinforce the responsibility of each functional position
      3. Campus disinfection and deep cleaning
      4. Purchasing epidemic prevention product and equipment including masks, protective gear, temperature sensors, goggles, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, UV sterilizer, and etc.
      5. School bus management policy
      6. Setting up additional hand wash spots around campus
      7. Developing emergency plan, safety control, and public health security plan

      We are sure many of our students can’t wait to return to the campus and we hope to increase that anticipation by presenting the amazing job this group of colleagues have done over the last two weeks, beautifying the campus and tidying classrooms in readiness for you!

      Many thanks to our Ayi Team and Maintenance Team, who have worked extremely hard to ensure the safety and cleanness of the campus, who are also ready to open their arms to welcome everyone back to the campus in the near future!

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