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    A Show of Virtual Sporting Excellence


    26 Mar, 2020

    10 : 00

    • On Thursday 19th March from 1:00pm – 3:30pm, YCIS Chongqing held the first Virtual Sports Day over the ‘cloud’. This Sports Day took place for students in all of our Houses, in locations across the globe, to celebrate our community and raise awareness for our health and well-being. It also served as a healthy ‘battle’ between our Houses (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water).

      The YCIS Chongqing PE Department team created a fantastic event, housed on a specific website,, where all the day’s sporting challenges were posted. This included a video explanation and forms outlining instructions for each challenge. Mr. Kwakkel and Mr. Benson made the ‘demo videos’ of each challenge to make sure everyone could understand and follow each activity.

      All YCIS Chongqing community members were invited to join this fun event. Many of our students joined individually, while some joined as a family. Teachers were also encouraged to do as many challenges as possible to battle for the Houses they belong. Challenges included the plank challenge, flip the bottle, and a 400 meter around the table run, which generated a lot of laughs but certainly exhausted the participants.

      After the completion of each challenge, after multiple attempts if needed, all players were only allowed to upload the results / evidence form online once to record their best effort, scoring points for their house (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water).

      It truly was a fun afternoon with all of our students, staff, parents and friends around the world joining as one big ‘virtual family’. We thank everyone for your participation! As a community, we believe a healthy body makes a healthy mind and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to the campus soon!

      Guess which House is the champion?

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