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    Community Empathy on Display


    13 Mar, 2020

    10 : 00

    • The 17th consecutive days with ‘ZERO’ new coronavirus cases in Chongqing has certainly been extremely positive news as we await the announcement of the reopening date for schools.

      Further good news has been the generous donation of 1,250 face masks to YCIS Chongqing from the ‘Zhaoxin Education and Technology Group’, who are working collaboratively with the Chongqing Education Bureau, to ensure student and staff safety when we return to the campus. This gift from ‘Zhaoxin’ is linked to their most recent charity project, ‘Spreading Love, Fighting Against the Epidemic’.

      We all really appreciate the love and support from the government and wider community as we look forward to welcoming all the YCIS staff and students back on campus, in the not too distant future.

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