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    Discovering Dinosaurs in the Year 1 Learning Community


    25 Oct, 2018

    10 : 00

    • After we finished the study topic, ‘Our Senses’, the Year 1 Learning Community began exploring ‘Dinosaurs’ since returning from the October break.

      The unit began with a discussion about all the things they already knew about dinosaurs, such as color, size, and where dinosaurs lived. They then moved to the discussions about what they want to find out about dinosaurs. For example, some students want to learn about what different dinosaurs look like and some students want to learn about how they move.

      The Year 1 teachers, with support from our EAL Department, have been guiding the students through different learning areas and skill building. This week, students have been learning about how they can find out information about dinosaurs, using books, posters, apps and the internet to learn lots of new information!

      In the final step, our students will share what they have learned so that everyone can appreciate all we have discovered about dinosaurs!