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    Year 9 Cross-Linguistic Chinese Language Class


    30 Nov, 2023

    09 : 11

    • On the afternoon of November 23, 2023, YCIS Chongqing Secondary Dept participated in an online inter-campus learning activity organized by YCYW Foundation. Two classes, Year 9 CLL (Chinese Language and Literature) and CAL-SL (Chinese as an Additional Language - SL) class, showcased their achievements in concept-reading at a cross-linguistic level.


      Teachers went beyond the content of textbooks and created four scenarios of real-life "conflict" based on the concept of "community". This allowed students to experience the perspectives of "participants," "observers," "teachers," and "parents" through role-playing activities, encouraging them to reflect on the responsibilities individuals should take within a group.


      In the second part of the activity, students reflected upon and discussed three questions regarding the concept of "community". The students presented their various ways of responding to conflicts and expressed their opinions, reaching a certain level of consensus.


      This Chinese class was innovative in its format, providing a strong sense of immersion. The interaction between CLL and CAL students added an element of fun to the class, making it a perfect combination of language learning and practical application.