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    YCIS Chongqing Partners with YUE Sports Center


    17 Nov, 2023

    15 : 25

    • YUE Sports Center, the first comprehensive sports and education integration innovation project in the country, had its grand opening on November 11th. YCIS Chongqing signed a contract on-site with YUE Sports, providing a platform for students to participate in high-level sports programmes. The establishment of YUE Sports not only creates an important springboard for the development of sports and education integration in Chongqing but also enhances the significance of sports and education integration in the city.


      YCIS Chongqing has always been dedicated to creating diverse learning and co-curricular experiences for students, with a focus on nurturing their physical and artistic well-being. We know the importance of competing in sports to form strong character: learning to be resilient, to play fairly, and to develop teamwork skills.


      As a member of ACAMIS (The Association of China and Mongolia International Schools) and SCISAC (Southern China International Schools Athletic Conference), our students have the opportunity to take part in various sports tournaments across the country. YCIS Chongqing has also hosted a variety of sports events. We are excited about the contribution that the YUE Sports will make to our school's event hosting capabilities.


      We will continue to collaborate closely with the Center to explore new models and approaches for integrating sports and education.

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