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    YCIS Chongqing Co-Curricular Activities 2022-2023: A Resounding Success Fueled by Challenges Conquered


    13 Jun, 2023

    09 : 57

    • In the academic year of 2022-2023, YCIS Chongqing embarked on a remarkable journey with its co-curricular activities programme, offering a diverse range of activities designed to enrich students' learning experiences and foster their personal growth. Led by dedicated teachers and complemented by external providers, the platform featured an extensive selection of clubs, from creative arts to sports and academic pursuits.


      Throughout the first semester, the programme encountered several challenges, such as the structural repairs of the gymnasium, and pandemic restrictions, but through perseverance and teamwork, each obstacle was surmounted. Teachers and students worked collaboratively to address scheduling conflicts, logistical hurdles, and coordination issues, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants.


      Following these initial achievements, the programme flourished during semester two, offering a plethora of engaging activities. The clubs led by YCIS Chongqing teachers included the vibrant orchestra, where budding musicians honed their skills; the sports club, which instilled teamwork and athletic prowess; the homework club, aiding students in their academic endeavors; and others such as storytelling, TEDx talks, handcrafts, board games, chess, math, dough modeling, and fashion design clubs, nurturing students' creativity, and critical thinking abilities.


      In addition to these teacher-led clubs, our school also partnered with external providers to deliver an array of captivating activities. Science and STEAM clubs allowed students to explore the wonders of the natural world and develop their scientific reasoning. Primary sports, Chinese calligraphy, horse riding, skateboarding, mini golf, hip hop dance, and drama clubs encouraged students to explore their physical abilities, artistic talents, and self-expression.


      The YCIS Chongqing co-curricular programme was an overall triumph, fostering holistic development and offering students a platform to explore their passions beyond the classroom. The activities’ resounding success serves as a testament to the dedication and commitment of both teachers and students. Building upon this achievement, YCIS Chongqing eagerly looks forward to expanding and refining our co-curricular programme in the future, ensuring an even more enriching and diverse experience for our students.