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    We Love Reading


    28 Apr, 2023

    11 : 08

    • At YCIS Chongqing we aim to develop passionate, life-long readers. We read every day in school, and encourage students to develop healthy reading habits at home.


      Research shows that reading for just 15-30 minutes a day has a whole range of benefits including healthy brain development, increased vocabulary, improved academic performance and reduced stress.


      The 23rd of April was world book day. On Monday, we celebrated by doing a buddy activity in the morning, where the Primary students created hat characters with their Secondary buddies. After, ECE and Primary got together to participate in the annual character parade. Students dressed up as their favourite characters from books. There were several Harry Potters, many fairytale princesses, and even some dinosaurs.


      We hope the children feel inspired to continue their healthy reading habits at school and at home. Happy Book day!

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