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    Transition Programme at YCIS Chongqing


    10 Jun, 2022

    10 : 00

    • Moving up to the next year group can be a big change for the children. Some children find this change fine others may feel scared, worried, or anxious.

      Here at YCIS Chongqing, we have developed a clear transition programme to support the children. But we are very aware that we also need to support our parents so we can work together to provide a smooth transition from one year group to the next.

      So, between Monday 23rd May through to Monday 30th May, we held parents transition sessions for K4 to Year 5 parents.

      These sessions allowed us as a school to communicate general information on the next year level and answer any questions or worries. The Learning Community Team Leaders introduced themselves and began to build new relationships with these parents in preparation for the next academic year.

      It is not only ECE & Lower Primary that need support with transition, the move from Year 6 to Year 7 can be just if not more challenging for our students.

      On 30th May, Year 6 students joined Year 7 to have a “taste” of being a Secondary student.

      Since returning from the winter break, Year 6 students have been participating in weekly Secondary Transition lessons.As the end of the year neared, it was time for the Y6 students to put all of their transition learning and skills to the test.

      Year 6 students joined the Year 7 'Form', Maths, English, Humanities, Science, and Chinese lessons. Additionally, the Y6 students were led in Approaches to Learning games by the Year 7 students. The day finished with a period of quite reflection to organise their thoughts and what they had learned from the day.

      Overall, the day was huge success and according to survey results, 100% of Year 6 students enjoyed the day!

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