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    Sports Day 2024


    26 Mar, 2024

    15 : 49

    • Something was brewing on campus last week. The students were all out on the sports field in their house T-shirts. Ah, it was the annual YCISCQ Sports Day. But there was something different in the air and it wasn't just the tempting smell of hotdog buns wafting from the food station.


      There was a buzz of anticipation from the parents seated at the stands. Chatter of a charity run could be overheard amidst victory cheers from the track and pitch. There we had it. The day was different because parents and teachers joined in the first ever charity run on the campus of YCIS Chongqing.


      A little snooping around revealed that the Parent Organisation had organized a charity run to help raise funds for children with cancer and serious illnesses. All registration fees collected from participants will be donated to Qi En Children's Care Service Centre to help those children. The PO also hopes it will be the first of many such initiatives to support the less fortunate in our community, embodying our school’s motto of aligning with love and charity.


      And that was the reason why a different atmosphere enveloped the school track that morning. One that was of excitement, positivity, and hope. At the cue of the starter pistol, more than 160 parents and teachers surged forward in that milestone run. Collectively, they went on to pound out approximately 320 kilometers on the track and earned more than 910 crystals for their children's houses. More importantly, a total of RMB 22,026 has been collected for the charitable cause.


      The day felt different because it was different.  Because YCIS Chongqing community is making a difference.