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    Dragon Boat Festivalat YCIS Chongqing


    08 Jun, 2022

    10 : 00

    • The Dragon Boat Festival is one of most popular traditional festival in China. People all over China paricipatein various celebrations with their families and friends. Every year, YCIS Chongqing hosts different class activities to not only learn the history of this festival but also practice their handcraft skills during thiscelebration.

      As a Lower Secondary’s Chinese cultural study tradition, the school has consistently committed to providing students with opportunities of exploring Chongqing's local cultures. This year, Y7-9 students 'checked out' how Chongqing locals celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in theirChinese classes.

      They explored thecustoms and traditions ofthe festival through onlinequizzes but also experienced how to make unique sachets and five-colored bands by themselves, which are believed to help children to ward off pests and keep healthy.

      Primary students participated in an array of activitiesto celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. They designed and produced their own dragon boat, made dragon boat puzzles, createdunique sachets with Chinese herb, and organized different games; most importantly, they explored and studied related customs of “Duanwu”.

      ECE children had a great fun celebratingthe Dragon Boat Festival! They made rice cakes, colorful strings, hanging perfume sachets, what a wonderful “Duanwu” event!

      We sincerelywish everyonepeace and health at the Dragon Boat Festival!

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