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    Community Connect- Highlights from PO events


    16 Sep, 2024

    13 : 08

    • Last Friday, our school's Parent Organisation (PO) hosted a delightful gathering, welcoming nearly a hundred parents for a heartwarming get-together after the summer break. It was a perfect occasion for parents to reconnect over coffee and snacks, while our students settled into their new school year routines.


      During the session, Ms. Carole Ng, the chairperson of the PO, introduced her team members and shared information about upcoming PO activities. It was fantastic to see new faces in the PO and year group representatives’ team, and we are grateful to these parents for their contributions to our school community.


      Following this, a DIY workshop allowed parents to create their own mugwort massagers, which were quickly put to use to ease stiff necks and aching shoulders. Additionally, Meilian Dental delivered an enlightening talk on oral hygiene, leaving parents with dental care goodie bags to take home.


      Another Parent Involvement activity organised by PO, the Uniform Exchange—a cherished YCIS tradition—took place last Friday afternoon. The event concluded with enthusiastic participation from parents, as donated school uniforms were swiftly claimed. The proceeds from this event will support student activities organized by the Parent Organisation.


      We deeply appreciate the ongoing support from our PO and eagerly anticipate more meaningful engagements within the community in the future!