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    Celebrating Kindness on Campus


    18 Nov, 2024

    11 : 24

    • YCIS Chongqing held a nurturing ‘School of Kindness’ Week from November 11-15 to enhance kindness, build connections, and promote a sense of belonging within our school community. By prioritizing kindness and acceptance, we aim to create an environment that discourages conflict and fosters inclusivity.


      Throughout the week, students participated in various activities during form time and classes to promote kindness. Each day focused on different aspects of kindness, allowing students to explore what it means to be kind to themselves, their peers, and the broader community.


      In addition to classroom activities, we held assemblies for both primary and secondary students. Students were encouraged to share their own experiences and ideas on spreading kindness, reinforcing the importance of compassion in our daily lives.


      We challenged our secondary students and staff to add random acts of kindness they had performed in the kindness log. There is more we can do, however. We encourage our parents and community members to perform random acts of kindness, however small, and add to the log here:


      The response from students and staff was very positive, showing that small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect, spreading positivity throughout our school and beyond. As we move forward, we encourage everyone to keep the spirit of our ‘School of Kindness’ Week alive by continuing to show love and care in everyday interactions.

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