17 Jan, 2018
10 : 00
Year 6 recently started their topic study of “Sharing our Planet” and students are asked to select a country or a region in different continents and make their own designs of leaflets, which introduce the country’s geographic location, time zone, climate, economy, and animals & plants in that country.A fundamental part of this topic is the exploration of environmental/sustainability issues that the place is challenged with and more importantly solutions to face them.
This project based learning approach provides opportunities for students to practice their skills in collecting information from different resources such as internet, text book, and library. In order to finish the whole project, students are also required to apply the knowledge they learn from their subjects of English, Math, Science, Art, and of course Geography.
The cross-subject type learning provides student better opportunity to understand objects from different angles and connect knowledge they learned in different areas. Year 6 teacher, Mr. Singh selected “Chongqing” and demonstrated the research work that he had done in order to make an example informative brochure!
In the classrooms, besides listening to teachers’ speeches, Year 6 set up groups to discuss the materials teachers had delivered. The use of a study book and activity book allowed students to apply new skills and knowledge. This Geography subject matter will be relevant for when students carry out their project, based on their upcoming trip to Xian.