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    Gearing up for the 2017-2018 School Year!


    18 Aug, 2017

    10 : 00

    • The beginning of a new school year always brings a mix of excitement and anxiousness to the school community. Fresh upgrades to school facilities, quality new teaching staff, newly joined families from all over the world, and even the recently released IGCSE test result added to the excitement of the new school year! We congratulate our Year 11 and 12 students for their efforts for this past exam period and we welcome all new members to our YCIS family!

      New Student Orientation Day is held annually before the start of each school year. It is a great opportunity for new students and their families to meet with teachers, get familiar with school facilities, and make a few friends before classes start! This year, we had more than 150 guests, all eager to get started with the next chapter of their lives!

      Nathalie Peas who graduated from our ECE last year can’t wait to start her Year 1 in 2017-2018 school year. She and her mom Mrs. Peas came to campus to pick up the school uniform early this week, the mother is so proud to share great progress of Nathalie during her time at YCIS. She said, “We are from Brazil and when we joined YCIS last October, Nathalie can only speak Portuguese. It only took eight months, now you see, she can speak English and Chinese confidently!” The mother added, “The best thing at YCIS is, teachers keep good communication with parents regarding the students’ development, we learn so many details that Nathalie may not share with us at home. Efficient communication builds the trust between school and parents, which is the key to my child’s success…”

      Moon Yuan, our Year 2 student is thrilled to have her brother Erich join YCIS this year, she helped her parents translate to the principals and teachers. When Eric took language assessment with the EAL teacher, Moon couldn’t help shouting out the answers! We had a chance to talk to Moon’s parents about the decision they made to send both children to YCIS, the mother openly shared her original thought. “I had a plan to compare international education and traditional education systems, so I sent Eric to local school and Moon to YCIS. My husband and I are amazed by the huge difference between Moon and Eric, if you want me to tell the difference, there are so much to tell…,” she continued, “After one year time at YCIS, Moon has developed good traits, impressive bilingual skills, she is such a confident girl, willing to communicate and help. YCIS provides such an open platform for all students to achieve…”

      We welcomed new Year 11 student Jungjun Mok (Aiden) and his parents on campus. Aiden will study the IGCSE programme at YCIS. His father, Mr. Mok, told us that his company’s HR department recommended YCIS to him because YCIS is the best international school in Chongqing, “I look forward to having my son study IBDP at YCIS after he finishes IGCSE this year; it will prepare him to get into prestigious universities in Korea!”

      2017-2018 is a year of exploration at YCIS, providing quality education to the expat community in Chongqing is our long-term goal. We look forward to another successful year!

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