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    Fusion of Creative Designs in Year 6


    27 Jun, 2017

    10 : 00

    • Mr. Singh’s Year 6 students have taken part in a number of activities designed to encourage creativity and a purposeful application of skills which they have learned throughout the year.

      This week, Mr. Borengasser led a short end-of-the-year lesson that offered students a chance to consider the simple question: What could a YCIS Chongqing t-shirt look like? Students viewed award winning t-shirt designs from, and discussed the unique features of t-shirt designs and the messages they communicate. Students then considered what a YCIS t-shirt might look like before they started working independently and in pairs to create their designs. During the process, students conferenced one-on-one with Mr. Borengasser to discuss their progress. This gave students a chance to explain their ideas and discuss how ideas might be improved.

      Several students incorporated images of hot-pot into their designs. Helena’s design played with the idea of “Rooster Shaped” China. Krashanga transformed the YCIS logo so that it mocked the Apple logo and Charles Bae created a cartoon of a horse who becomes quadrilingual after attending YCIS. Jessica Choi and Ellen Yoon created a vision of the YCIS logo as the sun rising from the ocean with the word “ARISE!” challenging us to do our best. Finally, Harry Potter fan Erin Rhude challenged us to “Study like Hermione”, “Protect Like Granger”, and “Live Like Harry Potter”.

      Projects like these give students a chance to explore big ideas, make connections and expand their understanding of the world around them. By using their creativity to solve problems students are developing necessary skills which they will carry with them throughout their lives.

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