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    ECE Christmas Feature


    17 Dec, 2016

    10 : 00

    • On December 15, our ECE students presented a Christmas show with a jungle theme, which impressed the audience.

      The K4 students, who had been really interested in finding out about jungle animals, chose an animal they wanted to be for the performance – “Lions’ Christmas Party”. They found costumes with the help of their families, practiced how their animals moved and decided which percussion instrument would create their animal sound. K4 class created a song, “Don’t Eat Me”, sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells” because, as everyone knows, the lion is the king of the jungle! In the performance, the jungle animals went “Walking in the Jungle” to the lions’ house. Our ECE teachers dressed up as Tarzan and Jane!

      K3 class was interested in farm animals, so they were excited about coming to the lions’ Christmas party too. In the performance, they helped to decorate the Christmas tree, ready for the jungle animals’ arrival, then produced a spirited rendition of “Jingle Bells” to the delight of their families.

      After the performance, the children were excited to get presents from a surprise visitor, Father Christmas, followed by a special Christmas snack provided by the school and some generous parents. While enjoying some examples of Christmas snacks from different countries, K3 and K4 students learned to know how people celebrate Christmas in their native countries.

      Many of our students are leaving for Christmas holiday and going to different places in the world, we wish everyone a safe and pleasant holiday and see you in January!

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