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    YCIS Very Own Vegetable Garden


    15 Mar, 2017

    10 : 00

    YCIS Chongqing's current school goals include the topic of "sustainability". We wish to provide a holistic education that develops an attitude of care towards the environment.

    We are pleased to announce that the school has a new planting area that is located near the school gym. It consists of four planting beds and a patch of ground for planting more traditionally.

    This project is part of the series "environmentally conscious" activities in campus. Just like Food initiatives as we launched before, all in order to make YCIS Chongqing a more sustainable part of our wider community. The purpose of the growing area is to provide a resource to support areas of the curriculum, including Science.

    One of the most important things about growing plants is understanding where food comes from. This, in turn, will emphasize the importance of healthy eating. We intend to eat what we grow!

    Many thanks to all the teachers, students, parents and site staff that have made this possible!

    We will keep you posted on further developments!