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    Time to move up!


    25 Jun, 2021

    10 : 00

    • As our Year 6 students graduated from Primary School, they were filled with a jumble of emotions. Excitement that they had reached such a milestone, pride that they were soon to be one of the ‘big kids’ and, of course, nervousness that the next stage of school would be different to what they were used to!

      Our K4 students also graduated from ECE and although they may have not had the same emotions as Year 6, it is still a key step in a child’s learning journey to successfully transition from one section of the school to another.

      As a teacher, it is so touching to sit back and watch ‘your students’ graduate. There was so much pride and emotion during both the K4 and Year 6 graduations last Friday. You could see the… No, I’m not crying – I just have something in my eye! Honestly!

      It was clear to see how much the teachers care for and respect their students and vice versa, listening to the speeches from both students and teachers, what has been achieved is both memorable and commendable. We also heard how support from home, kept the children on the right track and as a school, we appreciate the parental support that has been given to the students.

      As the ceremonies came to an end, all of the students were able to come to the stage and receive their certificate of graduation, it was their hard work and dedication that got them to this point, and they deserve the recognition, now it’s ‘time to move up!’

      We would like to congratulate all of our K4 and Year 6 students for their accomplishments so far and we look forward to seeing continued success in the future. Congratulations graduates, we are really proud of you!

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