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    What is a Learning Conference?


    15 Jan, 2021

    10 : 00

    • Waiting for mum and dad to get home, worrying about what teachers might have said, would I be greeted with a smile or anger when they arrived home? Those were my feelings many years ago when I was at school. Thankfully times have changed.

      This year we have rebranded Parent – Teacher interviews into ‘Learning Conferences’, the reason for this is we believe the student, teacher and parents all need to be part of the discussion about learning. The purpose is for all three parties to celebrate what has been achieved and to also agree on next steps that will lead to further improvement. Having all three parties present at every conference is an approach that will have a lasting impact on student success.

      Walking around the campus on Friday 8th January, for the second of our ‘Learning Conferences’ you could feel the positivity from everyone, it was a wonderful feeling. As a school, we were extremely happy with the number of parents who attended and the way they embraced the strategies and suggestions offered by teachers. We were delighted to see the harmony during the meeting when the student, teacher and parent are discussing the ongoing progress that is taking place and setting future targets for success.

      We hope that future Learning Conferences will see all parents and students attend so as to further support and build stronger collaboration between home and school.

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