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    Philosophy for Children, how is it taught?


    30 Nov, 2020

    10 : 00

    • Our Parent Workshops have continued to grow and develop over this semester. In November we provided an additional session with our parents having the opportunity to find out about the learning and teaching of Philosophy for Children (P4C) at YCIS Chongqing.

      On Friday the 20th November, Miss Nadolna, YCIS P4C Coordinator introduced to the parents the benefits of teaching P4C and how successful the implementation of P4C in our school has been so far. As Matthew Lipman, the founder of P4C says: ‘The aim of a thinking skills programme such as P4C is not to turn children into philosophers but to help them become more thoughtful, more reflective, more considerate and more reasonable individuals.’

      It is YCIS Chongqing’s aim to inspire our students and equip them with the skills to become global citizens of the future world. Among these values are the P4C 4Cs skills – caring, creative, collaborative and critical.

      During the workshop, the parents learnt about what P4C is, why it is important in our students’ learning and how we deliver it at YCIS Chongqing. They then had the opportunity to try out some simple activities and Miss Nadolna shared some useful ideas to try these out at home with their children, such as story books, images and questions.

      It was wonderful to see the engagement on parents’ faces and hear the excited buzz when they discussed philosophical questions and looked at the selection of books available at our library.

      Thank you to all the parents that were able to attend, we hope you can join us for our next P4C session where we will model a full philosophical enquiry as we would carry it out with the students in class.

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