19 Jun, 2020
10 : 00
The Graduation tradition continued at YCIS Chongqing, with our ECE students celebrating the successful graduation of K4 students.
Parents Zoomed in to witness the award of certificates to K3 students and the formal presentation of the Graduation Certificate and YCIS Chongqing Bear to K4s.
Our K4s looked resplendent in their academic gowns and mortarboards, displaying incredible poise and maturity as they strode to the stage to shake hands with the Co-Principals. It has certainly been a tumultuous learning year but our youngest students have definitely grown physically, developing of a range of skills they didn’t possess in August 2019.
We take this opportunity to offer our sincere thanks to the parents, who have shouldered an increased responsibility, performing the role of in-house tutor for the e-learning period.
Our ECE Learning Community Teaching Team of Ms Xiang, Ms Roden, Ms Xiao, Ms Rebello and Ms Zeng have done an outstanding job caring for our ECE students, supported ably by Zhang ayi and Yang ayi.
Congratulations to our K4 Class of 2020 and we know you are ready and prepared for the challenges of life as a Primary student!