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    A 'Special Trip' to the Zoo for K4


    20 Mar, 2020

    10 : 00

    • Children in K4 have been exploring a ’Zoo’ and ‘Pet’ topic in their recent e-learning programme.

      The children know about different animals who live in Zoo as well as the habitats of these animals. They also followed Ms. Xiang, who dressed as a tourist guide, to e-visit a Panda Zoo! Cackles and wows can be heard from homes cross the world when the adorable pandas appear.

      After saying goodbye to the pandas, Ms. Xiang showed the children how to make an animal toy with some paper and material, so the students could make their own spin kitten and a snake, with their parents. What a lovely ‘hands on’ activity to aid their learning!

      In addition, our K4 students designed and built their own zoo, with amazing ideas and great creativity. We are so impressed by their talent!

      The K4 children also created a book named ‘K4, K4 .. What Do You See?’ after they read the story ‘Brown Bear, Brown bear, What Do You See?’.

      When they were introduced the ‘Pet’ topic, some of our K4 students made their own ‘rock pet’, as they don’t have a real pet at home. Some even created their pet with potatoes, plasticine, water bottles and Leggo! They named their pet and promised to take care of them in the follow week.

      Great job, K4!

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