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    A Welcome Visit from Santa's Helpers at YCIS


    12 Dec, 2019

    10 : 00

    • A group of ‘Santa’s Helpers’ visited the school last week to decorate the school in readiness for Christmas and the holiday season. After the completion of the ‘School Christmas Decoration’ project, our thoughtful and generous Parent Organisation members brought an even bigger surprise to campus on Monday, 9th December.

      After our students had arrived at school, a group of volunteer parents toured the campus with their hands bearing gifts! Divided into several groups, our thoughtful parents ventured into each classroom to deliver gifts to all students and staff, and it was certainly a big surprise for all. Our younger children, in Primary, cheered and danced with excitement, while our more mature Secondary students showed their appreciation with polite smiles. Our teachers offered diplomatic thanks to our PO team and the whole school are indebted to our parent community for their consideration at this festive time of the year.

      Parent support is definitely greatly appreciated and a significant driving force in our development of programmes and activities that spread joy and improve learning. As Christmas is fast approaching, YCIS Chongqing wishes the whole school community a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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