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    Climate Change


    17 May, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Energy and Climate Change has been the focus of the Year 4 Learning Community’s most recent Topic lessons. Students have explored the challenges of a modernizing world where more and more carbon is being pumped into their air and the negative affect this has on our environment. Students have learned how our world has increasingly relied on non-renewable sources of energy for their travel and daily living including electricity use.

      With lights off during YCIS’s Sustainability Day on Thursday, Year 4’s were very aware that this was a way to save energy and reduce their carbon footprint on the planet. Furthermore, on Friday, students presented their learning to all of the primary students with the Year 4 assembly focusing on Climate Change. With many colourful hand-painted props, students presented the different ways that carbon is emitted into the air daily such as through the use of cars, planes, lights, computers, televisions and refrigerators. Year 4’s encouraged everyone to reduce their emission of carbon by switching lights off when not in use, reducing, reusing and recycling items or by riding a bike, walking or taking a train or bus instead of using a car.

      In addition, students encouraged everyone to consider renewable sources of energy such as hydropower, solar power and wind power to produce the electricity we rely on daily, acknowledging this is a priority for our world. In the words of the famous song (and sung during the assembly) the call to all by the Year 4 LC was to Heal the World and make it a better place for you, me and our children.